2 Channel Monitor HD + 2 Channel Audio – 3:4 – 2.12 min/loop, 1.59 min/loop – Color
Retweet is a video installation in which two monitors are placed one in front of the other; the observation point is placed between the two screens.
A rhythmic but apathetic applause is set against a harrowing and increasingly nervous barking.
Like a ping-pong without reciprocity, one rejects the other in a mutual annihilation. It is a conversation that fails to be born: the two actions overlap each other cacophonously, always repeating themselves instead of integrating and evolving. The rhythm annoys. The result is a bleak and noisy interactive silence.
The two videos were conceived separately and finalized together; their playing time differs by a few seconds because they combine in a different way during their respective loops, creating a random rhythm that we do not impose.